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Monday, June 14, 2010

Huggies Playtime is BACK! Redemption Program

Huggies Playtime is BACK! Redemption Program
Huggies Online Redemption Program Details
We are glad to inform you that Huggies Redemption Program is back. Can’t wait to redeem at your desired items? Please follow the link below:-
Hurry collect the required points and bring home other gifts before the redemption ends on 31st May 2011. While stocks last basis.
The Huggies Hug Club Team
* Redemption details can be found online

so kepada mommy's diluar sana yang nak redeem permainan huggies ni boleh la klik kat link diatas ye untuk tengok cara2 bagaimana nak redeem..

saya pula dah banyak polybag yang dah dibuang..membazir betullah..kalau tak boleh la kumpul buat collection train ni..kene simpan polybag tu mulai hari ni... :p

aju dan khairiah..korang pon simpan la juga nanti bole la redeem lagi... :)

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